I took these pictures of Medium last night. She cracks me up when she wants to play. Winston (our Beagle) will fetch a ball and then keep it, Sebastian (lab/chow) will fetch it, bring it back but never give it to you. Medium will not only bring it back but throw it at you and she will do this for hours if you let her!

The journaling says:
There isn’t much that compares to the energy of a Border Collie. All she wants to do is fetch and she doesn’t care what she is fetching! If she can’t find a ball she will bring you what is left of it. This is what she brought me the other night. It is a piece of tennis ball, about the size of a nickel and she will go after that little scrap for hours!
The kit I used was Hearts & Paw Prints by Chris Stone, Font was Cry Kitty, Pea Carrie & Bradley Hand
1 comment:
I like those pet papers and embellishments!
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