Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pensacola~Day 2

We woke up this morning and it was beautiful out so we spent most of today playing in the gulf. We drove into Destin Florida to check it out then came back to Navarre and played in the waves. We came back to camp, did some laundry then went and played in the bay by our campground where it is really calm. We had our snorkeling stuff and a net and managed to snag a few very small fish. Of course we let them go was more the thrill of the hunt...or more like just being able to say that we caught a little fish with a net :o)

We are all sporting some interesting sunburns. You can easily tell where we missed with sunblock, yesterday Robin was sporting a hand print on his shoulder :o)

These pictures were all taken today. The cool thing is that the floatation device we are playing on Robins parents bought in the early 80's when they took a trip to Daytona Beach. There is a picture similar to this one of Robin and his dad. Robin thought it would be cool to have a picture of himself and his son with it at a Florida beach...

Kamryn totally rocked on it but I didn't get any still pictures of her only video. But because she weighs the least the wave would carry her all the way up on shore.

Hugs from the Sunshine State,

Tracy, Robin, Matt, Bryttaney & Kamryn

1 comment:

Ramie :-) said...

LOVE all the pics! Looks like you guys are having a BLAST!!!!! I'm so jealous!!!! Keep the pics coming!!!