Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Poor Winston hasn't been feeling well lately. He has had this cough that makes him sound like a goose. Last week I finally told Robin that we need to take him in the vet, after all, we have had him longer then both the girls! He is over 15 years old so we went in prepared for the worst. He has lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) which didn't surprise us at all. Because his lymph nodes are swollen it is pushing on his trachea which is causing the cough. The vet said that since, amazingly, he has no problems getting around, walking up and down stairs or getting on the couch, is still eating fine and has control of his bladder, etc that his quality of life still seems fine (for his age). So she put him on steroids to shrink the nodes and swelling. The cough has gone away with the steroids, so that is good. I know that the day that we have to put him down is fast approaching, we are just thankful it wasn't this week!

Here is a picture of Winston sleeping on the couch the other day and a pic of him with the kids they day before his appointment (just in case he didn't come home with us).


Ramie :-) said...

HUGS. I hope he's sounding better and still feeling ok. HUGS to you all.

Kristie W. said...

HUGS. He's such a cute doggy :)